Which is the best mode to ensure you learn?

Which is the best mode to ensure you learn?

Well, being a student means you've got to juggle with deadlines for assignments, piles and piles (or should I say "tons and tons") of reading, exams, quizzes, etc. What is the best mode to ensure that a student learn all that the lecturer wants to impart during that particular semester or term?

There are different schools of thoughts, apparently. Some believed in assignments (I for one, would prefer writing paper and doing some research) as the better way of learning the subject. Some prefers examinations, while others opt to read at the risk of thickening glasses ...

I believe each mode of learning has its pros and cons. Simply put, assignments are good in the sense that to ensure that you write a good paper, you will have to pour hours into the research, reading and study of that topic. However, the flip side is out of the many topics within that subject, you are probably more "well-versed" in the topic you wrote for your paper. As for exams, well, it does gives a more comprehensive scope of what has been covered, but then again, sometimes we study for the sake of exam - and that becomes dry memorizing or regurgitating. Does it achieve the aim of learning as much as the subject has to offer? Hmm... what about reading? I guess this will be rather subjective - it all depends on whether the students read at all. If they do, they benefit; and if they don't, then ...

I guess from the point of a lecturer, their job is to make sure they teach the subject in the most comprehensive manner and helps us students to learn as much as we could. So for some of them, to ensure learning, maybe exam is the best way? I guess that's why my NT lecturer believes in exam? though I'm taking a breather from my revision for her paper tomorrow to blog =)

Come to think of it, if I'm a teacher, I think I would opt for exam as well - though I "hate" exam more than writing papers. But well, the truth is, I do "agonize" my students too by making sure they learn what I want them to through the badgework assignment. Haha, how about writing Bible journal reflections for 4 solid months - one entry per day? I know it's tough for many of them who are juggling with all the competing demands in their life, but I guess when I state that kind of requirement, I'm also subjecting myself to the "agony" of having to mark each journal - for 4 months - and I'm at the mercy of many of them who wrote superbly small, sometimes illegible, and worse still, words that joined together with one another that leave you guessing which word is which ...


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