Questions and answers
Questions and answers
Well, my time is “almost up” – 10 more days in school ministry after 7 long years. Haha, perhaps 7 being a number that symbolizes completeness and that’s why God says “Completed, move on …”
Colleagues have been asking me when my official last day is going to be, what makes me enter the full-time ministry, what’s my greatest joy and satisfaction, etc. Let me try to recall some of the questions that I had been asked – I guessed those questions helped me also to reflect somewhat on this ministry that I held dear to my heart.
1. What makes you respond to God’s call into full-time ministry?
2. What do you actually do in this ministry?
3. What is your greatest joy, satisfaction, etc?
4. What are your future plans?
5. 3 words to describe yourself
6. What is your wish for the school as you leave this ministry?
What makes me respond to God’s call into full-time ministry? Well, I’ve always have a passion and burden for the youths, because of the impressionable age they are in, it would be so easy for them to be influenced by people around if there are no sound counsels or people that they can look up to for advice and help. I’ve enjoyed those years of teaching the youths in the Sunday School but somehow always “lamenting” the fact that I can’t do much more with them since I only get to see them for a few hours in a week. So when the opportunity to be involved in school ministry came along, I prayed about it and sensed the Lord's leading. School was a good place - at least I can see the students 5 days in a week, and compared to that few hours in a week, I can do so much more to influence their lives.
What do I actually do in this ministry? My role is to take care of the Christian ministry in the school, so I plan and generate each morning's devotional material (to be shared to the school after assembly), plan chapel curriculum and ensure the running of weekly chapel, plan and organize special services within the school year (up to about 7 special services within a spread of 10 months), be a be-friender (and pray for) to students and staff who need a listening ear, groom leaders + teach/mark badgework in the CCA I'm involved with, groom and train girls as they help in the ministry, etc.
What is my greatest joy and satisfaction? For me, my greatest joy is to see my students grow in confidence and maturity in the Lord. I've seen a number of students who started off with lack of confidence and felt inadequate for a lot of tasks, but over time became so confident and blossom into a lovely lady for the Lord's service. Of course, what brings great delight and smile to me would be when they tell me, "God has been so real to me!" =)
What are my future plans? I can't say for sure what will happen after my 2 years of theological education. I will continue to seek the Lord's will and will obey where He will lead me to - whether back to school or not, I really have no answer at this point of time. The comforting thing is I know Who's holding my hands and leading me ... =)
3 words to describe myself - I think I'm optimistic, versatile, and efficient. I always look at the positive side of things and what I can learn from different situations, people and mistakes. I know who's my confidence and on whom I'm depending on for confidence. As for being versatile, I guess over the years I'm given plenty of opportunities to speak, lead worship, anchor events, etc - so that has helped to shape me and groom me in a number of my giftings. Well, efficiency - I'm a very detail-minded person, so administratively driven that sometimes it can drive people nuts *wink* My colleagues sometimes cannot understand how I can get a task done so quickly and so "easily" - but well, by God's grace =)
What is my wish for the school as I leave? That it will be God's school - a school directed by God alone, meaning whatever decisions that are made by the leadership or the staff, that God's Name alone is exalted and glorified. And for the students - that they will be woman after God's very own heart - not Christians in name but true disciples and followers of Jesus. Even for those who don't know the Lord, that the seeds planted will take root and sprout forth, bearing fruit in due season.
So in a "nutshell", I guess the answers to the questions spelt my ministry for the last 7 years =)
Well, my time is “almost up” – 10 more days in school ministry after 7 long years. Haha, perhaps 7 being a number that symbolizes completeness and that’s why God says “Completed, move on …”
Colleagues have been asking me when my official last day is going to be, what makes me enter the full-time ministry, what’s my greatest joy and satisfaction, etc. Let me try to recall some of the questions that I had been asked – I guessed those questions helped me also to reflect somewhat on this ministry that I held dear to my heart.
1. What makes you respond to God’s call into full-time ministry?
2. What do you actually do in this ministry?
3. What is your greatest joy, satisfaction, etc?
4. What are your future plans?
5. 3 words to describe yourself
6. What is your wish for the school as you leave this ministry?
What makes me respond to God’s call into full-time ministry? Well, I’ve always have a passion and burden for the youths, because of the impressionable age they are in, it would be so easy for them to be influenced by people around if there are no sound counsels or people that they can look up to for advice and help. I’ve enjoyed those years of teaching the youths in the Sunday School but somehow always “lamenting” the fact that I can’t do much more with them since I only get to see them for a few hours in a week. So when the opportunity to be involved in school ministry came along, I prayed about it and sensed the Lord's leading. School was a good place - at least I can see the students 5 days in a week, and compared to that few hours in a week, I can do so much more to influence their lives.
What do I actually do in this ministry? My role is to take care of the Christian ministry in the school, so I plan and generate each morning's devotional material (to be shared to the school after assembly), plan chapel curriculum and ensure the running of weekly chapel, plan and organize special services within the school year (up to about 7 special services within a spread of 10 months), be a be-friender (and pray for) to students and staff who need a listening ear, groom leaders + teach/mark badgework in the CCA I'm involved with, groom and train girls as they help in the ministry, etc.
What is my greatest joy and satisfaction? For me, my greatest joy is to see my students grow in confidence and maturity in the Lord. I've seen a number of students who started off with lack of confidence and felt inadequate for a lot of tasks, but over time became so confident and blossom into a lovely lady for the Lord's service. Of course, what brings great delight and smile to me would be when they tell me, "God has been so real to me!" =)
What are my future plans? I can't say for sure what will happen after my 2 years of theological education. I will continue to seek the Lord's will and will obey where He will lead me to - whether back to school or not, I really have no answer at this point of time. The comforting thing is I know Who's holding my hands and leading me ... =)
3 words to describe myself - I think I'm optimistic, versatile, and efficient. I always look at the positive side of things and what I can learn from different situations, people and mistakes. I know who's my confidence and on whom I'm depending on for confidence. As for being versatile, I guess over the years I'm given plenty of opportunities to speak, lead worship, anchor events, etc - so that has helped to shape me and groom me in a number of my giftings. Well, efficiency - I'm a very detail-minded person, so administratively driven that sometimes it can drive people nuts *wink* My colleagues sometimes cannot understand how I can get a task done so quickly and so "easily" - but well, by God's grace =)
What is my wish for the school as I leave? That it will be God's school - a school directed by God alone, meaning whatever decisions that are made by the leadership or the staff, that God's Name alone is exalted and glorified. And for the students - that they will be woman after God's very own heart - not Christians in name but true disciples and followers of Jesus. Even for those who don't know the Lord, that the seeds planted will take root and sprout forth, bearing fruit in due season.
So in a "nutshell", I guess the answers to the questions spelt my ministry for the last 7 years =)