Garden and fruits
Garden and fruits
I've got a garden within the compound of my house, and this garden is the pride and joy of my mum. Part of her time as a homemaker goes to maintaining the garden, besides looking after the kiddies (2 dogs and 1 cat) and the regular household chores.
After all these years of planting whatever seeds she could find, she has been enjoying some of the fruits of her labor - there were pandan leaves, lime, chilli, soursop, guava, jambu, mangoes (once in a blue-blue moon), curry leaves, etc. It so happened that some trees are yielding fruits at the moment already, and I took the opportunity to snap some pictures as proof =)
Umm... I don't know what fruit this is called, but it has lots of seeds in it. Apparently, mum loves it lots ...
See this pathetic red jambu? The rest were eaten by bats at night when they hover around the trees in the garden =(
See this soursop fruit hanging there? Mum's real excited about it and waiting for it to grow bigger and ripen. Hope she gets to eat it before the bats do ...
See the mangoes hanging there? Sorry lah, I'm not a photographer material and my camera isn't the best, but your brilliant eyes can make out which is which, right? =)
Seeing all these fruits just reminded me of what I've read in Jim Downing's book, "Meditation: the Bible tells you how" (printed by The Navigators, Singapore, 1987), when he wrote ...
"What then is fruit? It is the overflow, the surplus, the excess life of the nourishment taken into the tree over and beyond that needed for life and growth. Fruit is simply excess life ... when we have partaken of the life of Christ in such abundance that our life-sustaining needs are met and our growth needs are met, the overflow of the love of Christ, the life of Christ, turns into fruit." (Pg 15)
To Jim Downing, "a fruit-bearing Christian has learned how to thrust the taproot of his soul into contact with the divine resources and draw from God the nourishment needed regardless of time, place or circumstances" (Pg 13). God wants us to be fruit-bearing Christians, not just fruits evidenced by our character, but also by our witness to people around us ... go read John 15:1-16, especially verses 4b, 8, and 16.
I've got a garden within the compound of my house, and this garden is the pride and joy of my mum. Part of her time as a homemaker goes to maintaining the garden, besides looking after the kiddies (2 dogs and 1 cat) and the regular household chores.
After all these years of planting whatever seeds she could find, she has been enjoying some of the fruits of her labor - there were pandan leaves, lime, chilli, soursop, guava, jambu, mangoes (once in a blue-blue moon), curry leaves, etc. It so happened that some trees are yielding fruits at the moment already, and I took the opportunity to snap some pictures as proof =)
Umm... I don't know what fruit this is called, but it has lots of seeds in it. Apparently, mum loves it lots ...
See this pathetic red jambu? The rest were eaten by bats at night when they hover around the trees in the garden =(
See this soursop fruit hanging there? Mum's real excited about it and waiting for it to grow bigger and ripen. Hope she gets to eat it before the bats do ...
See the mangoes hanging there? Sorry lah, I'm not a photographer material and my camera isn't the best, but your brilliant eyes can make out which is which, right? =)
Seeing all these fruits just reminded me of what I've read in Jim Downing's book, "Meditation: the Bible tells you how" (printed by The Navigators, Singapore, 1987), when he wrote ...
"What then is fruit? It is the overflow, the surplus, the excess life of the nourishment taken into the tree over and beyond that needed for life and growth. Fruit is simply excess life ... when we have partaken of the life of Christ in such abundance that our life-sustaining needs are met and our growth needs are met, the overflow of the love of Christ, the life of Christ, turns into fruit." (Pg 15)
To Jim Downing, "a fruit-bearing Christian has learned how to thrust the taproot of his soul into contact with the divine resources and draw from God the nourishment needed regardless of time, place or circumstances" (Pg 13). God wants us to be fruit-bearing Christians, not just fruits evidenced by our character, but also by our witness to people around us ... go read John 15:1-16, especially verses 4b, 8, and 16.