Last ...

Last ...

Today's the last official school day - last time getting up at 5am to prepare myself for school ... last time giving a lift to ST ... last time singing the national anthem and saying the pledge ... last time "immersing" in the Christian culture of the school - beginning the day with morning singspiration and daily devotion, weekly chapel, etc ... last time ....

There's mixed feelings when reality hits. On one hand, I was rather "looking forward" to the last day in school - handing all the duties and responsibilities over; yet on the other hand, when the last day finally come, the feeling is just ... hard to describe.

Of course, as usual, like what I had been doing for the past few days, I had been going around pulling colleagues to snap, snap and snap - pictures for memories. I was glad that it's digitial technology these days, otherwise, I would have "blown" my camera taking over hundred shots with almost, practically, most of my colleagues =)

Today officially marks the close of my ministry in school - all the anchoring, sharing and singing at morning devotion/singspiration, all the singing and preaching at chapel sessions, all the planning for various special services, all the corporate prayers for the students and school (well, don't get me wrong, not that I will stop praying for you all), all the active involvement with GB, etc. Sigh* can't really describe how I'm feeling also - a sense of "lostness" ... a sense of "a part of me's taken away" kind ... =(

Anyway, there's "no turning back" - I've decided to move ahead to a different phase in my life, and I should be going forth with the Lord's leading. All these memories are good times that I will hold close to my heart, but they shouldn't pull me back from what I ought to do or be doing.

Luke 9:62 Jesus replied, "No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God." Life should be lived in the forward manner - I'll look to what and how the Lord will lead me into the next season of my life =) Thank you Lord, that You are there with me!


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