Living in a timeless world

Living in a timeless world

How does it feel to live in a "timeless" world - where no watches are allowed, and you respond to every whistle blow? That was how the drill camp was run the last 4 days =) I really saluate the girls who attended this who do nothing but drill, drill, and more drill. These are the girls who will be representing the company next March in the Drill Competition organized by HQ.

From a third-party's point, I think the girls learnt a great deal of things from the camp - though it was rather "monotonous" and somewhat "demanding" physically.

1) Obedience - they learnt to respond immediately to instructions and whistle blow ... they learnt to react to commands given by their contingent commander ... "stoning and waiting" inside their dorms even after waking up because they are not allowed to leave their dorms earlier than a certain time stipulated (we wanted to ensure they had enough sleep and rest and they were "reprimanded" for waking up too early on day 2)

2) Respect - they learnt how to greet every officer and senior each time they see any of them ... they learn to appreciate their seniors who came back to help in the camp (this time round special nite is about the seniors, not about the girls themselves!)

3) Team spirit, unity and bonding - they learnt how to coordinate and cooperate with each other as a contingent. When one reacts to a command wrongly, they start all over again.

While I felt the girls had learnt much, there are also some more lessons which I hope they could learn - at least the sense of urgency and not dilly-dallying in the movements from place to place, or when executing some duties, etc. The other lesson was what I had been reminding them about - DO NOT be complacent, especially when there's a sense of achievement that generally there's improvement in your drill movements/steps, etc. Pride is always the first step to downfall!

Remember the theme and focus of the camp - it's "For His glory, by His strength". Do everything with the motive of God being glorified!


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