When pride makes you put others down

When pride makes you put others down

A string of events (sorry, I'm not at liberty to disclose the details but I'm not the victim, just an observer of the incidences) that happened recently caused me to pause and reflect, and to pen this entry ...

God hates people that are proud - people who think so highly of themselves that they make life miserable for those around them ... or they intentionally (or unintentionally) put those around them down so as to make themselves look good ... or people who brag and boast about what they have (educational qualifications / credentials / talents & gifts), what they own (material possessions / wealth), who they are (status / power / fame), etc in order to make you look so small and inferior ...

Come to think of it - is it really necessary to upset others just to make one look good? Can't we remember and be thankful that God is the One who has first blessed us with these gifts? As much as God can bless us with them, God can also take them away from us and bless others with it.

The Bible is very clear about how much God hated those who are proud ...
- Prov 16:5 "The LORD detests all the proud of heart. Be sure of this: They will not go unpunished."
- Psalm 12:5 "Because of the oppression of the weak and the groaning of the needy, I will now arise," says the LORD. "I will protect them from those who malign them."

Is it worth making ourselves look good at the expense of others? The one that is supposed to be in the lime-light is God, not anyone of us. Dare we claim His glory for ourselves? Don't we fear God who acts on behalf of the oppressed in spirit?


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