It's about your being
It's about your being
My PIC makes it a point to arrange a meeting with all the theological students from the church - as a time of bouncing ideas, helping each other to cope with the journey of theological education, clarifying some areas of concerns as we embark on our studies, etc. So far, there had been 2 meetings and I've always leave his office feeling so much more enriched, encouraged, inspired and challenged! Honestly speaking, he doesn't have to make arrangements to meet up with us (as a PIC he is already so, so, so busy!!), but his very pastoral heart and his love and concern for his sheep makes him make and keep that commitment. And the wonderful thing is that, whenever he speaks with us, he is never in a hurry to get the conversations over and done with - he just makes you feel like you are the most important person and if you need to talk, that entire time is yours. On a few occasions even when I spoke with him about official matters, he would go the extra mile and talk at greater length with me to ensure that he advise or share his experiences and thoughts which will help me grow as a whole person.
During today's meeting, he reminded us about the importance of our "being" during theological education. He emphasized that we must always remember theological education should not be focused on grades or knowledge only - the journey should cultivate our character and heart as God's people. He also "lament" the fact that often times, theological students were the ones who chose to skip devotion time due to the pressure of assignment deadlines, etc, and as a result, their spiritual life spiral downwards.
We also took the opportunity to discuss about how and what we should do while administering Holy Communion - that even as communion stewards, our role is to minister when we distribute the elements - we are not simply the DISTRIBUTORS!! He highlighted that as communion stewards, in fact, we should take time to pray the night before and ask God to show us revelation as we distribute the elements - and see if there's someone God wants us to speak a word to (eg. God loves you, God forgives you, God heals you, etc) while we are given the chance to distribute the elements to him or her. We also discussed about what to do should the elements drop or drip while we distribute them. It was really an "enlightening" time for me =)
I'm really thankful for the time that my PIC has intentionally scheduled to meet up with us - once a month - and it's a time that I look forward to =)
My PIC makes it a point to arrange a meeting with all the theological students from the church - as a time of bouncing ideas, helping each other to cope with the journey of theological education, clarifying some areas of concerns as we embark on our studies, etc. So far, there had been 2 meetings and I've always leave his office feeling so much more enriched, encouraged, inspired and challenged! Honestly speaking, he doesn't have to make arrangements to meet up with us (as a PIC he is already so, so, so busy!!), but his very pastoral heart and his love and concern for his sheep makes him make and keep that commitment. And the wonderful thing is that, whenever he speaks with us, he is never in a hurry to get the conversations over and done with - he just makes you feel like you are the most important person and if you need to talk, that entire time is yours. On a few occasions even when I spoke with him about official matters, he would go the extra mile and talk at greater length with me to ensure that he advise or share his experiences and thoughts which will help me grow as a whole person.
During today's meeting, he reminded us about the importance of our "being" during theological education. He emphasized that we must always remember theological education should not be focused on grades or knowledge only - the journey should cultivate our character and heart as God's people. He also "lament" the fact that often times, theological students were the ones who chose to skip devotion time due to the pressure of assignment deadlines, etc, and as a result, their spiritual life spiral downwards.
We also took the opportunity to discuss about how and what we should do while administering Holy Communion - that even as communion stewards, our role is to minister when we distribute the elements - we are not simply the DISTRIBUTORS!! He highlighted that as communion stewards, in fact, we should take time to pray the night before and ask God to show us revelation as we distribute the elements - and see if there's someone God wants us to speak a word to (eg. God loves you, God forgives you, God heals you, etc) while we are given the chance to distribute the elements to him or her. We also discussed about what to do should the elements drop or drip while we distribute them. It was really an "enlightening" time for me =)
I'm really thankful for the time that my PIC has intentionally scheduled to meet up with us - once a month - and it's a time that I look forward to =)