When it gets a bit too much ...

When it gets a bit too much ...

My NT term paper is due in another 9 days' time, afterwhich will be the preparation for exam for this paper. Try as I might to squeeze my brain juice to get out a good paper, I myself can't even figure out what I have been writing - everything still seemed so loose and incohorent. I have piles of material to do reserach on the topic I'm writing for, but I'm just not absorbing them!! What's my problem??

Could it be an over-dosage of reading the recent period?? I've been trying my best to catch up with each week's readings - which is A LOT!! Well, at least the comforting part is that for 2 of my subjects, thus far I've read ALL that I'm required to, even some pages that will lullaby me to sleep, or contents that are super dry like crust. Now I've got lots to catch up with my other subject, whose pile of extra readings from my lecturer is like a mini-mountain now!

Well, maybe you will say, "there's no need to read everything." I guess you're right in some ways, but I do have expectations on myself, and when I know I can accomplish certain things, I will not allow myself to be lax - so I guess, this is what I've gotten myself into now, somehow ... sigh* the perfectionist in action, what to do?

Then again, I think I'm really tired and drained ... did Jesus says He will give rest (Matt 11:28)? Yup, that's what I desperately need now ...


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