Oh no, what is this world becoming???

On no, what is this world becoming???

Giggle wrote today ...

Was online and conversing with a church friend via msn when he asked me if I knew about girls from my school getting caught on camera for eating in a train - when there was a clear "no eating and drinking" sign. I was given the website to verify -of which I did, and my! I did see the picture, and some others which just makes me feel, "What is the world becoming?"

If you go to the website (sorry I don't think I'll reveal the website here coz this is www and I have to be careful with what I'm writing, but if you know me personally and you want to check out on some of the things in this web which I'm shaking my head at, you can check that with me), there are lots of other news. There's picture of "Pole dancing on ...", "smooching ...", "so what if I'm a ...", etc.

Well, what makes me so upset? It's not just the pictures I see that speaks of a society that is so unbecoming, but I see also people making a news out of everything. True, our local newspaper does encourage readers to sms interesting news to them (and there are good, interesting news that are neutral yet informative), but I think some of what were captured is becoming a bit out of hand.

I wonder if those who sms to these media sources had ever given consideration to those who's reputation are at stake because of their one sms click? Wonder if they ever put themselves in the shoes of these people they want to make a news out - that if they are the ones being caught, how would they feel? I think sometimes, some actions do not warrant public disgrace like these - if these people are concern enough to educate our youngsters, then go right up and tell them what they felt was wrong, and give them clear indications of what's right!

My friend was just commenting on how some army guys got caught via camera for not giving up their seats to those who need it more than them, and the pix was sent to the army HQ. Scary, isn't it? You don't know when you will be caught on camera!

So much so for technology - and the abuse of it! What are phone cameras now used to capture? Disgraceful behavior and then publicizing them? Questions in an exam? Modesty of women by perverts? Hey, I'm sure the camera in the phone wasn't intended for that! What has our society become?

Our society is seriously going through degeneration - I'm sorry to say that, but the more I read about history in the Bible, the more I find that our society has very much similarities with it.

God have mercy on us!


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