Haze, virus ... virus, haze ...

Haze, virus ... virus, haze ...

The haze this year is BAD - real bad! And coupled with the haze were all the viruses that seems to be floating around in the air - invisible to the naked eyes yet potent to afflict our physical body. I think the haze is making everyone and everything feel worse than before.

Sigh* I think the gastic flu seems to have hit my family too =( Mum wasn't well last Thursday already, with signs of vomitting and diarrhoea, then the next day sis had signs of vomitting, and now, it's me! So sad to have to miss FD dinner last Saturday because of discomfort in my tummy. Although all 3 of us seemed to have shown signs of improvement, we are still not totally well. We still feel tired easily, there's still lots of gas and wind within us - and mum had to call all my other siblings to "STAY AWAY FROM VISITING US!" in case they get "infected" by us too =( Haha, the only "positive" thing amidst all these is that because of our lack of appetite for food, we all had "free" slimming sessions over the past few days *wink*

Somehow, this whole episode just causes me to reflect about the fact that while there are many things in life we could control and manipulate, yet there are others that are simply beyond us. Just look at the haze - this is something we cannot control, something we can't manipulate. We may devise methods of preventing something from happening, but when it does happen, we can only depend on God's grace - probably send the wind and blow the haze away, or send down some rain to clear the air. Whatever it is, humans are never omnipotent as much as we feel we are in control.

The other reflection I had is, "don't waste time!" - make use of whatever time we have to do all that we need to do. We never know when our physical body will fail us and make us "handicap" to do a lot of things we hope we can do. I don't consider myself to be physically weak, but my body protested so often during the recent 1 month or so and it just makes me realize all the more that I shouldn't waste precious time I have when I had them.

Currently, I'm working on my NT term paper, about 40% done, but yet I had only scout through 2 of the resources out of the 8 or 9 I had!! Some classmates commented that I'm really KS to get so many resources, but knowing myself, I'm someone who need more than what others need in order to have a good grasp and understanding of a particular topic/subject - so really, no choice, not KS =( And I really hope that I can finish the paper and submit a really good one to my lecturer, before next Wednesday which is the due date.

And well, I'm actually beginning to regret putting this paper off for so long when I could have started on it earlier - well, it's complacency, really. This complacency is due to the fact that I had completed my other outstanding assignments - my FCM term paper and my last NT reflection paper, and I think that I HAVE A LOT OF TIME LEFT!! which is not quite the case. My, my, my, I'm beginning to panic - really panic, and wonder why on earth I chose such a topic (which is actually an interesting and challenging topic lah) for my NT term paper ... =(

The Bible has almost everything to say about every situation. Eph 5:15-16 alerts and reminds us to "Be very careful, then, how you live - not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil."

Compared to my other classmates, I should not even be the one "complaining" or "panicking" - they had 4 major papers to complete, 1 for each subject, whereas I just need to concentrate my energy and attention on 1. I should be more than thankful, shouldn't I?

Yup, the next few days will be this major paper and nothing else =)


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