Perseverance ... endurance ...??

Perseverance ... endurance ... ??

I was talking to Dr T to clarify some questions I had about her Greek class, and as usual our conversation went from lessons into everything under the sun ... to dresses, to exercises, to spa, to well ... "complaints" and "whinings" ... haha.

Dr T knew this term wasn't as easy for me as the previous terms, due to the fact that I had to take 5 subjects as a full-time student, and one particular subject seemed to be rather "demanding". She teased me about having to persevere and endure for that subject, and then she said something like "maybe you should persevere, not endure lah ... perseverence gives a more positive connotation, whereas endurance gives the feel that the situation is so negative ..."

Haha, I was actually thinking about what she said, and wondered if really, there is a difference in terms of perspective with regard to the 2 words - perseverance and endurance. As a matter of fact, I was sharing with my class during class group today about "perspective", and how the different perspective we hold about things, people, subjects, etc would affect how we approach different scenarios and situations. Yup, I'm praying for a positive perspective towards whatever God leads me to in life, even in a seemingly difficult subject - and I know that whatever situations God allowed me to be in is by no means chance or accident - there is a purpose and a lesson behind all these, and I'm sure the Lord wants me to learn all that I can and glorify Him!


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