Little gestures of love

Little gestures of love

I'm a simple person, and an easily contented one =) Little gestures of love and encouragement sent by friends would just make my day, or cheer me up, or encouraged me lots and lots ...

When I was still in school ministry, the Lord always send little angels through the girls who would come around and talk to me, or through conversations say things that encouraged and lifted my spirits even more. Now that I've left the school, minstry, there seems an "emptiness" somehow, of not having been "surrounded" by the girls when I begin the day in the morning.

Despite that, God has also been sending little angels to cheer me on in this journey of learning. I was really feeling the sense of being overwhelmed by all the readings I have to clear by the end of this week (for last week and this week), otherwise my readings will always be piling up ... Knowing how my classmates must have felt to, I thought I'd just take some time to search the web for an e-card to encourage them. I guess the wonderful thing is some of the classmates do reply back with words of thanks or an e-card to say a simple "thank-you", though I know that it doesn't mean those who didn't reply did not appreciate the card =)

This week, twin sent me a surprised sms early one morning. She said she remembered me and whispered a prayer for me, and that God's strength is sufficient. How sweet ...

Then, I was on msn with J last week and was complaining and whining to him about how my week had been, and how I'm almost fainting from swimming in Greek. Besides hearing my whining and complaining, he even said he wanted to lend me a Greek declension table which he developed on his own when he was doing Greek years ago - but alas, he couldn't recall if he loan it to someone or where he placed it =( but he promised to pass it to me if he could find it =) And before he went offline, he sent a nudge via msn, haha, so sweet ...

And today, we had our first Greek quiz and before our Greek class started, I received an sms from a classmate wishing me the best and that he will be praying for us when we are having our quiz. It just warms my heart as I ponder on this little gesture of his ... so thoughtful and sweet ... =)

I guess while God sent all these angels around me, He also wants me to be angel to those around, looking out for those who need a listening ear, a hug, a word of encouragement, etc. May I be a blessing to those God sent around me too. Make me a blessing, Lord =)


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