Real vs virtual, virutal vs real

Real vs virtual, virutal vs real

During the recent months, Facebook seemed to have rapidly rise in popularity as a social connection utility. I myself am registered with Facebook and do find it useful to help me connect, and re-connect with friends. The facililty even allows sending of virtual items like food, desserts, drinks, hugs, smiles, etc. Of course together with the simple facets available to connect with each other, there is also application such as fluff friends, fighters club, games, etc.

Now that holiday has begun for most students, the volume and traffic on Facebook seemed to be seeing an increase too - particularly evident from the "fights" that were issued from one to another - perhaps in the name of fun. But that sets me thinking ... will what was started in the name of fun lead to obsession?? Will such virtual fights end up in quarrels and misunderstandings between friends?? How much fun is permissible in the virtual world to gain a common understanding between friends?? Where is the boundary that should be drawn so that no friendships begin to turn sour because of what happens virtually from one to another.

Real versus virtual ... virtual versus real ... where is the limit? Where is the line? Where is the boundary?? ......


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