Lessons from the island (1) - the love of parents

Lessons from the island (1) - the love of parents

One of the program during our short mission trip on the island was to visit the homes of some of the islanders and one of the home a team mate and I got to visit was a home of a blind boy.

This boy is already about 14 to 15 years old, but his physical stature looks like he's only 6 or 7 years old. He was born blind and cannot even articulate or express himself properly. I think he has a younger brother and his mother washes clothes to earn a living.

Even though we only spent about 15 minutes in our visitation, but throughout the whole time, my heart was just so burdened for the family. All they have in their household are just simple pieces of furniture, table, old sofa - that's about it. It breaks my heart to see how the aging parents of the boy had to always attend to him when he throws his tantrum or when he seeks attention, etc. The amazing thing is that - throughout the whole time, there was not a single word of complain about how hard life is, the burdens they are carrying, etc - there was only very positive spirit throughout. Before we left, one of the church member said a simple prayer for them. I left that home feeling really burdened and sad ...

This short visit reminds me about the deep and strong love parents have for their children - how they will stick by them irregardless of the condition their children were born with. In fact, the Father love of God is much more intense than any parents' love as well - the very proof of God sending His ONE and ONLY Son to die for us on the cross to redeem our sins say it all, doesn't it?


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