How time flies! I just realized I've been blogging for the past 7 months!!! Amazing!
Well, different bloggers blog for different reasons. For me, keeping a blog (though it requires regular maintenance and update) helps me become more sensitive to what's happening around, be more reflective about everyday's events, give more serious thoughts to these things, and journal them down instead of letting them be unarticulated or unwritten thoughts. Though sometimes it can be tiring thinking through and processing my thoughts before posting the entries, I felt that my mind has become more "stimulated" and "challenged" =)
The other lesson I've learnt is care and sensitivity in penning down (or typing should be the word??) these thoughts. I've always been aware that this blog is on the world wide web and anyone can actually access to it at the click of a button - hence I have to be responsible for what I choose to write and how I express my views. We have heard enough about how people who chose to write freely (ardent believers in free speech) caused upset feelings in others and a series of exploded reactions as a result. Well, I do believe in the rights of speech, but I firmly believe too that as we speak, we need to speak with wisdom, asking ourselves if what we say will hurt those who hear us, or whether we will be causing drifts or unnecessary conflicts between persons.
For me, the fact that I choose to allow some of my students to access my blog has taught and reminded me, at all times, to be careful with what I write, so that my views do not stumble anyone of my readers. I've expressed the reasons about the existence of my blog too and I sincerely pray that as I pen down my thoughts in every entry - they will be lessons worthy for all of us to reflect and learn, and at the same time be a testimony and brings glory to God.
I still see blogs as a good and useful tool - but I guess when we blog, we need to BLOG FOR A REASON, and not just use it to slander another person(s), or be grumpy and complaining, or rattle off unconstructive sentiments, agree?
How time flies! I just realized I've been blogging for the past 7 months!!! Amazing!
Well, different bloggers blog for different reasons. For me, keeping a blog (though it requires regular maintenance and update) helps me become more sensitive to what's happening around, be more reflective about everyday's events, give more serious thoughts to these things, and journal them down instead of letting them be unarticulated or unwritten thoughts. Though sometimes it can be tiring thinking through and processing my thoughts before posting the entries, I felt that my mind has become more "stimulated" and "challenged" =)
The other lesson I've learnt is care and sensitivity in penning down (or typing should be the word??) these thoughts. I've always been aware that this blog is on the world wide web and anyone can actually access to it at the click of a button - hence I have to be responsible for what I choose to write and how I express my views. We have heard enough about how people who chose to write freely (ardent believers in free speech) caused upset feelings in others and a series of exploded reactions as a result. Well, I do believe in the rights of speech, but I firmly believe too that as we speak, we need to speak with wisdom, asking ourselves if what we say will hurt those who hear us, or whether we will be causing drifts or unnecessary conflicts between persons.
For me, the fact that I choose to allow some of my students to access my blog has taught and reminded me, at all times, to be careful with what I write, so that my views do not stumble anyone of my readers. I've expressed the reasons about the existence of my blog too and I sincerely pray that as I pen down my thoughts in every entry - they will be lessons worthy for all of us to reflect and learn, and at the same time be a testimony and brings glory to God.
I still see blogs as a good and useful tool - but I guess when we blog, we need to BLOG FOR A REASON, and not just use it to slander another person(s), or be grumpy and complaining, or rattle off unconstructive sentiments, agree?