Something to ponder over ...

Something to ponder over ...

Was preparing Bible Study for CG and came across a few portions in the BS material which the writer wrote, that I found worth mentioning, as food for us to ponder over ...

"We are living in an era of what I call "recreational Christianity," the kind of Christianity that reduces God to a personal valet, catering to my needs, - the kind of Christianity that helps me to feel good, be happy, and be successful. We are then "dedicated" to Him as long as things are going our way, we have money in the bank, and we have our health. This recreational Christianity has produced self-enslavement, perverted theology, and a church whose only sense of purpose and direction is determined by itself." (Pg 47)

"In the name of "open-mindedness," some Christians have no problem reading pornography, attending questionable movies, and exposing their minds to that which is diametrically opposed to, and ultimately damaging to, their walk with Christ. Christians should not live in a cocoon and we should be informed of the issues facing our world, but there are some things we must not allow to occupy our minds ... Meditation on the Word of God will not only protect us from worldiness, but it also will preserve and protect our convictions and fuel our sense of purpose." (Pg 49)

- All quotations are taken from "A passionate commitment - recapturing your sense of purpose" by Crawford W. Loritts.

What are your thoughts on the above-mentioned extracts? Do you find yourself in what the writer describes? I guess I have to be honest that I do, and the only Guide that can lead me to walk right in this world is none other than the Lord - to fully commit myself to Him, be renewed and transformed in my mind towards Him (Rom 12:1-2, Psalm 119:9, 11)


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