What do you think about tail-gating?
Some says it's dangerous - and indeed it is, because any moment you may end up in an accident you didn't want to create if the person stops or the driver brakes suddenly. But I guess tail-gating requires "concentration" and "focus" - I mean, if you want to tailgate, you need to follow really really closely that someone, or that vehicle in front of you, isn't it?
My P gave me permission to be absent from school today since all our schools had an annual staff get-together in the evening which requires us all to be present. Since the venue is near my theological college, it makes no sense for me to return back to my own school which is in the east side, by around 2pm, and only to make a trip down to the west end again before 5.30pm. As such, a wonderful colleague and pal consented to having me come by her house - to rest, to fellowship, and also to discuss about our course project.
Being someone who stays in the east, I'm not familiar with the west side at all, and she had to lead the way so that I won't get lost. I had to remind her to "Please don't drive that fast - remember I'm following behind you!" I mean, I'm not a slow driver, but she's the faster one =)
It's amusing as I recall the entire process of tail-gating her - first, I think I followed the wrong car (Haha, see, I said my sotong nature relapses once in a while!) and I had turn into a side road to watch out for her car to pass by before continuing on in the journey. Then, at one of the "Give-way" junction, she had to zoom off at the spilt seconds the oncoming traffic was coming by - and I had to really "Give way" to these oncoming cars to avoid any collision. As a result, she was far far ahead! I knew she would be watching out for me from her rear-view mirror and would be waiting for me somewhere ahead, and indeed, there she is! And so the story goes, that I made it to her place with her help!
Now what did I learn from this whole episode? To me, our Christian life is something like that too - we need to tail-gate Jesus - to concentrate and focus on Him closely, otherwise, we lose track of where we are going and we lose sight of Him. And too often, we have heard of people who got thrown off the race because they were so caught up by other distractions.
The Bible says, "we live by faith, not by sight" (2 Cor 5:7) - I fully agree. We need to exercise faith as we walk and grow in the Lord, but I guess there's this part about living by "sight" too - keeping our eyes closely on Jesus - watching out for the ways He's opening for us and leading us. There is an acronym "WWJD - What Would Jesus Do?" - but how can we know what Jesus do or did, if our eyes are not open to see what He did, and then follow in similar manner?
The other lesson I learnt is that Jesus will never leave us as we take this journey with Him. Like my colleague who waited for me when she knew she had "lost" me - Jesus is even more faithful to stick with us to the end. And when He knew that we had lost our way, not only is He there watching out for us, but He's also there waiting patiently for us, and when we finally get to where He is, we can see His broad smile and feel His warm embrace as He said to us "Welcome home, I'm glad you made it." - refer to the parable of the lost son in Luke 15.
God's love never fails ... God's love never give up ... and God's love never leave us - but as He initiates, we need to respond.
What are you waiting for? If you need to tail-gate someone - may it be Jesus that you tail-gate!
What do you think about tail-gating?
Some says it's dangerous - and indeed it is, because any moment you may end up in an accident you didn't want to create if the person stops or the driver brakes suddenly. But I guess tail-gating requires "concentration" and "focus" - I mean, if you want to tailgate, you need to follow really really closely that someone, or that vehicle in front of you, isn't it?
My P gave me permission to be absent from school today since all our schools had an annual staff get-together in the evening which requires us all to be present. Since the venue is near my theological college, it makes no sense for me to return back to my own school which is in the east side, by around 2pm, and only to make a trip down to the west end again before 5.30pm. As such, a wonderful colleague and pal consented to having me come by her house - to rest, to fellowship, and also to discuss about our course project.
Being someone who stays in the east, I'm not familiar with the west side at all, and she had to lead the way so that I won't get lost. I had to remind her to "Please don't drive that fast - remember I'm following behind you!" I mean, I'm not a slow driver, but she's the faster one =)
It's amusing as I recall the entire process of tail-gating her - first, I think I followed the wrong car (Haha, see, I said my sotong nature relapses once in a while!) and I had turn into a side road to watch out for her car to pass by before continuing on in the journey. Then, at one of the "Give-way" junction, she had to zoom off at the spilt seconds the oncoming traffic was coming by - and I had to really "Give way" to these oncoming cars to avoid any collision. As a result, she was far far ahead! I knew she would be watching out for me from her rear-view mirror and would be waiting for me somewhere ahead, and indeed, there she is! And so the story goes, that I made it to her place with her help!
Now what did I learn from this whole episode? To me, our Christian life is something like that too - we need to tail-gate Jesus - to concentrate and focus on Him closely, otherwise, we lose track of where we are going and we lose sight of Him. And too often, we have heard of people who got thrown off the race because they were so caught up by other distractions.
The Bible says, "we live by faith, not by sight" (2 Cor 5:7) - I fully agree. We need to exercise faith as we walk and grow in the Lord, but I guess there's this part about living by "sight" too - keeping our eyes closely on Jesus - watching out for the ways He's opening for us and leading us. There is an acronym "WWJD - What Would Jesus Do?" - but how can we know what Jesus do or did, if our eyes are not open to see what He did, and then follow in similar manner?
The other lesson I learnt is that Jesus will never leave us as we take this journey with Him. Like my colleague who waited for me when she knew she had "lost" me - Jesus is even more faithful to stick with us to the end. And when He knew that we had lost our way, not only is He there watching out for us, but He's also there waiting patiently for us, and when we finally get to where He is, we can see His broad smile and feel His warm embrace as He said to us "Welcome home, I'm glad you made it." - refer to the parable of the lost son in Luke 15.
God's love never fails ... God's love never give up ... and God's love never leave us - but as He initiates, we need to respond.
What are you waiting for? If you need to tail-gate someone - may it be Jesus that you tail-gate!
8:23 AM