Finding Mr Perfect ...

Finding Mr Perfect ...

"Finding Mr Perfect" - that was an eye-catcher on the cover of a teens magazine, which caught my attention when I was at the check-out counter at a supermarket today.

It prompted me to think ... Is there such a person as "Mr Perfect"? or "Miss Perfect" that exist on this earth?

As I look around our society today, and read of all the newspaper reports day in and day out about domestic fights, divorce rates climbing sky high, hear of "horror" stories about so and so's relationship or marriage not working out, etc - I have come to a conclusion ... "NO, there's no Mr Perfect or Miss Perfect at all."

Why then do we keep looking out for Mr or Miss Perfect? I guess too often, our eyes have been clouded by what we see on TV - the perfect guy with the perfect gal (Hmm... makes me remember the "Da Chang Jin" - how ideal, how perfect huh ...) or perhaps we have been too drawn in by the characters that romance novels depict, or perhaps we just refuse to break out of our fantasy bubbles with the image of that perfect guy or gal who will appear finally and sweep us off our feet ...

I noticed this quote on my ex-student's MSN which reads, "A woman should be so hidden in Christ that only a man seeking Him could find her." I was so WOW-ed by it.

I think too often, we have been too busy "looking out" for the perfect guy or perfect gal that we lost track of what's really important. What then, is really important? Over the years I've learnt and am still learning that it's not about finding the RIGHT guy or gal, or the PERFECT guy or gal. But in the process of waiting for the person which God has intended for your life, to use that process to BE the RIGHT person for him or her.

A friend used to remind me, "Don't settle for the second best when God wants to give you the BEST." And from the Bible, we know that God is a giving God - one who gives the best to His children. I can't agree all the more with what she has said.

How to be the right person then? Well, at least for the ladies, we have the Proverbs 31 woman to model after (go read Prov 31:10-31). Prov 31 sets a very high standard, a seemingly "impossibility" for any woman to attain, but I think (this is my personal conviction) that if we set our focus on vs 30 "Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." we can be quite sure we won't deviate too much from the model set for us.

I work with youths and have heard many young teenagers switching from one boyfriend to another ... some even "agonizing" over why they are so "unfortunate" that all their friends are attached, but they are not. Hey folks, relationship is NOT a trend or fashion fad for us to follow or keep up with - we don't have to be afraid of losing out just because we're not IN!

As I challenge you, I'm reminding myself too - let's go for the best which God will give us, not any second best; and meanwhile, be the RIGHT person instead of looking for the right person.


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