I hate ... - but I've learn

I hate ... - but I've learn

I often wonder why God allows inconveniences in our lives to make them get on our nerves. I suppose through them, we get to understand ourselves (strengths and weaknesses) better and learn to change where we need to.

There are a few things I really really hate - as in I'll avoid them at all cost - but sometimes or most of the times, I can't. Curious to know what can get on my nerves?

First, I hate indecisive drivers - those who cannot decide which lane to take and end up hogging the middle marker of both lanes, and then worse still, they drive slower than they ought to. Driving behind them really makes me "curse and swear" (well, don't take this statement literally =)

Second, I hate drivers who were driving behind you and when they see you signalling to change lanes, they deliberately speed up and before you know it, you end up in the lane you don't intend to, behind a whole stream of cars, and you are forced to turn instead of going straight. I hate that!

Third, I hate cab drivers who are driving in front of you, and in their whims and fancy, stop as and when they love it. Well, I know they are earning a living, and every customer counts, but hey, watch out and spare a thought for the traffic behind you before you step on the brakes.

Fourth, I hate cab passengers who take their own sweet time to get into the cab (I'm not referring to the elderly or the disabled, I have patience for them, but it's the young and abled ones!) and then have a "discussion" with the cab drivers where they want to go before the cab finally drove off.

Fifth, I hate supermarkets or stores with narrow aisles - you bump into everyone and anyone when you try to maneuver your way out of the aisle. Oh yes, I understand from the standpoint of a business that they want to pack as much goods as possible so as to increase revenue, but well ...

Six, I hate crowds!! I can't stand it, especially when I consider myself a "dwarf" (haha, compared to one of my classmate whom I call a "giant"). I can't understand why people will flock to exhibitions, whatever fairs, sales at departmental stores, concerts, etc - if I can help it, that's where I will choose to be absent.

Somehow, these things which I hate and choose to avoid at all cost, God allows them to confront me often - especially during weekends when my duty is to bring mum for grocery shopping. Poor mum, she will have to bear with all my grouses as she sits in the car with me =) and if the weather is hot, I'll be grouchier and grumpier than before.

Well, on the flip side, I do look at all these things as lessons God is teaching me. Although I fail very often in all these "tests", God's patience is always there. And He never fail to remind me that even in those trying circumstances, I ought to try and put myself in the shoes of others. And sometimes, He would remind me, "Aren't you sometimes like those whom you find irritating too? So, don't judge." (Matt 7:1-5).

If you have things you hate, remember God might be using them to shape you.


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