Feeling blue? Then say, "I do" - HUH ??

Feeling blue? Then say, "I do" - HUH ??

Did you come across the health supplement in Wednesday's ST Pg 5, which reads "Feeling blue? Then say, "I do." "

The short report basically says that if you are depressed, you should get married as it will help alleviate symptoms of depression. Hmm... what's your response to that?

OK, I had to admit that I'm very sceptical about this whole report. Getting married for the sake of getting out of depression? My! isn't marriage supposed to be more than that? Shouldn't it be the union of 2 persons who ought to be good helpmates for each other - bringing out the best in one another? Shouldn't marriage be something that is give-and-take for both parties, than something beneficial for only one party? Little wonder why so many marriages are breaking down. Heard statements like this before, "if this is not working, let's get out of it"? Lots on it from TV and thanks to all these, it has "succeeded" to propagate the minds of today's society. Marriage becomes like child-play - something to the effect that "If I like that, let's enter into it. If I don't, let's get out of it." What has the world become?

I mentioned before in my post "Finding Mr Perfect" that relationship is NOT a trend or fashion fad for us to follow or keep up with - we don't have to be afraid of losing out just because we're not IN! I still stand by that, and I want to challenge you too, to look to the Lord for His perfect timing and meanwhile, seek God first for He will take care of the rest of our concerns and worries for us, don't you agree?

Feeling blue? Then say, "I do" - NO WAY! But rather Matthew 6:33, "But seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." - isn't God someone who can take away your blues better than anything else?


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