Crazy, mad rush

Crazy, mad rush

Ever since school begins officially last Thursday and college begins officially last Wednesday, I have been super, super, super, super busy - waking up at 5am to ensure I'm out by 6.30am, reaching school at 7am, and not leaving school till 5pm, although some days in between I'm at college. Even the last 3 days (including today), I'm not through with what I need to do until 5pm. WOW, I'm just super zonk ... I haven't mentioned all the readings required for my 3 subjects this semester right? As I did the summary reading check-list, I almost fainted! I began to feel that 24 hours in a day is not sufficient at all!! But well, this is what we all get - fair and square - no one an extra hour, or no one an hour lesser.

The first chapel of the year begins today - back to back, for 4 consecutive sessions, beginning from 8.10am all the way until 10.50am. So far so good, I guess I haven't feel the toil yet =)

JY came over to observe chapel this morning - really thank God for her and hope that she will be able to adjust and settle into this role of taking care of chapel quickly. It does make a difference when there's an extra pair of hands - especially when I need to be at college by 11.30am every week - if JY is around and able to manage chapel on her own, I can leave promptly at 10.45am.

In the afternoon, I met with Rev PK, my church's PIC regarding my FE program. It was a good time talking to him - he shared so much about his college experiences, gave me tips about reading and writing papers, etc. One thing, however, that caught me thinking real hard was this:- he said, "it's not so much about scoring good grades, but as you write the papers, write it with your conscience" - what he was referring to was that sometimes when we do our assignments, in order to "flow with what the lecturers want", we might end up writing stuff which we ourselves don't agree, but yet just to score point, we subject ourselves to the "temptation".

Hmm... food for thought. Guess I can only write that much with my "almost withered" brain and exhausted body ...


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