Things I learnt from the m trip

Things I learnt from the m trip

Had wanted to do some reflection and evaluation about the m trip. Though it was a short trip for me, but I've learnt a great deal from the Lord:-

1) Matt 9:36 - when Jesus saw the crowds, He had compassion on them ... the verse prior to this tells us that Jesus had his "program" as He travels from town to town, ie. teaching, preaching, healing disease and sickness, etc. As I pondered on the verse again, I'm reminded that it's about compassion for people (what they need) and not our own concerns about what we can give ... it's about people, not program ... it's about referring them back to the source, not drawing attention to ourselves with the things we do.

2) 5 loaves and 2 fish - what we can offer to the Lord might be very little - for the trip or even during the trip, but God can multiply what we give to Him and create abundance from it!

3) Learning to step out of our comfort zone. I'm a person who's very particular about hygiene (I guess most of us are) and it takes a great deal for me to allow kids whom I felt were not as clean to come near me. In fact, I have to confess that when the street kids were streaming to me to twist balloons for them, I cringed when they came too near me. Not that I've never come so close with street kids, but I guess this time round, I wasn't as prepared as I was during previous trips ...

4) Humility - JM who was taught by most of us in the team when she was a Sunday School kid, was our leader for the trip (she's now an intern with the m dept with the church). In fact, I could sense her "struggle" and "stress" leading this team comprising of mostly her ex-SS teacher and CG leader. It was a learning experience for us - to learn to listen to her plans, submit to her decision, and being a support for her as the leader of the group. It works both ways - for her and us, and I'm glad during the trip, we did not "overpower" her with our suggestions and concerns, etc =)

5) God knows best (do read my 14 Dec entry about the part on building houses) - when there's change of plans or adjustments needed to situations, our usual response is complain ... lament ... grumble ... etc. But God knows best!

On the whole, I think going as a CG helps a great deal - the dynamics, our understanding of each other, etc. I'm really thankful to God for this wonderful CG - especially those with young kids who dare to venture into the possibility of a m trip to experience and learn. AA & WT did especially well, considering it's their very first m trip and bringing 2 kids with them. Bravo!


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