Changes and new phase in life
Changes and new phase in life
Life is full of changes, isn't it? From time to time, we move on from one phase to another. Interestingly, most of us are people who are rather resistant to changes, for we often find our familiar environment too comfortable and we rather not "uproot" ourselves to meet a new challenge or opportunity. Sometimes, age does play a part too - the older we get, the less adventurous we become, and the less likely we want to rock the boat. The flip side of staying too long in something is that we become too saturated and enter into the maintenance mode rather than doing what we have been doing with passion and zeal - and that's really bad!
Some friends around me had experienced new phase in their life and I think they are experiencing life so much differently now - new challenges, new things to learn, new enviroment. As I hear about what they share, I'm really happy and excited for them! =)
Well, for a start, EH who was contemplating for a long while last year to further her studies is now finally settling and adjusting happily to student life again. I could read from her blog all the exciting things she's doing now as a student in Melbourne. Life is filled with so much zeal, excitement, fun, experiences. I'm sure she did not regret this move, right? *wink*
Next, ABear who shared with me (haha, thanks for letting me be the privileged few that you share this with =) some exciting opportunities (hmm... can't share it here until he decides to make it known officially =) that came along which he has finally decided to take on. I'm just so happy for him, knowing that he had been waiting for this opportunity for many years (since the last 10 years or so??). Although there are uncertainties and apprehension with regard to this new challenge, but I know he is definitely more than able to handle it and do it well. At least I know this change is a more comfortable one for him than what he had considered some years ago, which actually needed him to uproot himself from where he was and what he was doing. And I must say it's flattering when he asked me "Will you stay now that you know what's going to happen?". Hmmm ... too bad, my answer is still "No, I won't"; but you know your friend here will still be around to help in any way when you need, right =)
Twin also shared with me that she's praying for God's wisdom to discern the directions where work is concerned. I know that although the enviroment she is in now is so different, at least she has more time and space to herself, and to retreat and reflect upon God's leading and prompting. I'll be praying for you - and I know your obedience to the Lord will be rewarded as you allow Him to lead and guide you in every step of the way! =)
Finally, for myself - there's the excitement of looking forward to being a student (full-time!!) again in months to come. However I must say that there's the naggy feeling of how things will work out - finances, ability to cope with more subjects, ministry in church, etc - I'm both excited and apprehensive, even though I know that God who has not failed me in this venture will continue to prove Himself faithful.
I guess for most of us who are (or will be) experiencing new challenges in our life, our prayer and request will be like what Moses said to the Lord, "If Your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here." Exodus 33:15.
"Lord, as You lead us, give us wisdom to hear and follow the right voice - the still, small prompting voice of Yours."
Life is full of changes, isn't it? From time to time, we move on from one phase to another. Interestingly, most of us are people who are rather resistant to changes, for we often find our familiar environment too comfortable and we rather not "uproot" ourselves to meet a new challenge or opportunity. Sometimes, age does play a part too - the older we get, the less adventurous we become, and the less likely we want to rock the boat. The flip side of staying too long in something is that we become too saturated and enter into the maintenance mode rather than doing what we have been doing with passion and zeal - and that's really bad!
Some friends around me had experienced new phase in their life and I think they are experiencing life so much differently now - new challenges, new things to learn, new enviroment. As I hear about what they share, I'm really happy and excited for them! =)
Well, for a start, EH who was contemplating for a long while last year to further her studies is now finally settling and adjusting happily to student life again. I could read from her blog all the exciting things she's doing now as a student in Melbourne. Life is filled with so much zeal, excitement, fun, experiences. I'm sure she did not regret this move, right? *wink*
Next, ABear who shared with me (haha, thanks for letting me be the privileged few that you share this with =) some exciting opportunities (hmm... can't share it here until he decides to make it known officially =) that came along which he has finally decided to take on. I'm just so happy for him, knowing that he had been waiting for this opportunity for many years (since the last 10 years or so??). Although there are uncertainties and apprehension with regard to this new challenge, but I know he is definitely more than able to handle it and do it well. At least I know this change is a more comfortable one for him than what he had considered some years ago, which actually needed him to uproot himself from where he was and what he was doing. And I must say it's flattering when he asked me "Will you stay now that you know what's going to happen?". Hmmm ... too bad, my answer is still "No, I won't"; but you know your friend here will still be around to help in any way when you need, right =)
Twin also shared with me that she's praying for God's wisdom to discern the directions where work is concerned. I know that although the enviroment she is in now is so different, at least she has more time and space to herself, and to retreat and reflect upon God's leading and prompting. I'll be praying for you - and I know your obedience to the Lord will be rewarded as you allow Him to lead and guide you in every step of the way! =)
Finally, for myself - there's the excitement of looking forward to being a student (full-time!!) again in months to come. However I must say that there's the naggy feeling of how things will work out - finances, ability to cope with more subjects, ministry in church, etc - I'm both excited and apprehensive, even though I know that God who has not failed me in this venture will continue to prove Himself faithful.
I guess for most of us who are (or will be) experiencing new challenges in our life, our prayer and request will be like what Moses said to the Lord, "If Your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here." Exodus 33:15.
"Lord, as You lead us, give us wisdom to hear and follow the right voice - the still, small prompting voice of Yours."