Back to reality

Back to reality

Well, after the long lunar new year weekend/holidays, life is back to normal and things are back to reality. No more extended rest time, no more breaks from work or classes - everything's back to normal, and back to reality. No wonder the girls were "grumbled" when they heard one of my chapel speaker mentioned that one of the schools declared yesterday as an additional holiday (partly also due to their good "O" level results lah).

College is back in action too =) we had yu-sheng lunch and after that, the different Family Groups were given portions of Scripture to hand-copy - 1 set for Jerusalem, the other set for the Presbyterian Church. It was rather fun to be part of this project - though I must say that through this, it began to dawn on me how tough it must have been for people in countries that do not have easy access to Bibles. I guess for them it will be hand-copied whenever portions of it is available for them - and I believe they don't copy just a few verses like some of us did - they probably copied chapters of Scripture, or even different books from the Scripture?? It's an irony, or perhaps mockery should be the word, isn't it? Those of us who have Bibles don't cherish it at all - leaving it to collect dust instead of hiding the Word deep within our hearts; while those who struggle to get even a segment of God's precious Word has to struggle to find it, copy it, and even memorised it. I guess we are just too fortunate, and too pampered?? Try counting the number of different versions of Bible you have and you will understand what I mean ...

Our challenge:- Psalm 119:10-11 "I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands. I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you."


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