The government I love and much appreciate
For my entire life since born here in this Little Red Dot, I have learnt to love and appreciate more and more the government I have. No governing or ruling parties on earth are perfect and none can please every single person in the country they are governing in, and as much as sometimes the current ruling party made decisions that seemed harsh and unwelcome at that point of time - eg the Integrated Resort allowing Casinos in town, the mandatory National Service for Singapore males, the no-chewing gums rule etc etc - there are definitely, and certainly, much discussions and deliberations behind closed doors before these policies or decisions are finalized and publicized. During the covid years, Singapore was initially held up as an example in the way we managed to contain the number of cases with the strict quarantine and tracking rules - and I hear almost everyone in Singapore cheering ourselves and holding our heads high and proudly. Then within a few months where the invis...