Thoughts of a final year student ...

Thoughts of a final year student ...

Much as I want to stop time and not allow the reality of being a final year student to confront me, I can't.

Today is the 3rd day of semester and each day I just felt different. No, I'm not feeling the stress from the modules I'm taking as yet, for up till this point, they are all still manageable. I felt different in the sense that there's mixed feelings.

On one hand, it's a somewhat "sad" feeling that the clock seems to be ticking fast to signal the time to leave the college and good friendships forged here. On the other hand, there's the feeling that "I've finally made it through 2 years - it's the FINAL year and just 1 more year!!" - the kind where you just long to have everything over and done with. Irony, isn't it?? Somewhat nostalgic ...

I know time zoom past without knowledge - I guess I can only hope to "hold" as much as it as I possibly can ... sigh* the reality of life ...


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