Jealousy ... over-protection ... or simply kiasuism??

Jealousy ... over-protection ... or simply kiasuism??

If you've read the article in 6 July's Sunday Times, you would have perhaps come acorss the write-up about how parents were upset with the "bionic boy".

I'm not sure about your response to what was written, but when I read it, I was filled with feelings of anger towards these immature parents. Yes, I used the word "immature" because they are so much older than the boy himself, yet their reaction towards him are like his contemporaries, or perhaps worse, sore losers who cannot stand to lose.

I really wonder what makes these parents hurl insults and abuses at this "bionic boy" - was it out of jealousy that this particular boy out-performed their beloved children? Was it because they wanted to protect their children from the sting of pain when losing confronts them - how much then can they protect their children from rising up above circumstances when they hit hard if this is the case? Was it because of kiasuism, where they cannot afraid to lose, and given any chance of finding fault, they would. Heard what's written in the report, that parents complain that the boy lied about his age and other stuff - even after the Ministry of Education proved that they had checked on the "complaints" and found nothing that is uncalled for.

Yet because of the immaturity and childness of these parents, the boy who showed much potential and talent had to live in trauma -so badly traumatized that he cannot openly celebrate his victory when he wins ... so badly traumatized that he chose to hide in corners not prominent to the public eyes.

Are these the kind of parents we have in our world today?? Little wonder the product of our society today!

Was it anybody's fault to be born taller, stronger, shorter, weaker, etc?? Can't we be a more gracious society and learn to embrace challenges head-on, and exhibit good sportsmanship on occasions when we don't get the trophy??

My only wish is that these parents who are "guilty" of what they had done to traumatize this child to realize what they had done and change before they transmit their attitudes to their children whose eyes are constantly watching them.


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