A scare ...

A scare ...

There had been reports of different tactics used by crooks to con money from their victims, and one such ways that was used was to trick the family into believing that someone dear and close to them has been kidnapped.

I would have never dreamt that it would happen to my family ... but it did!! I won't share the entire details here - it's too personal - ask me if you want to know, I've shared with some of my closer and dearer friends, and even while doing so, it makes me shudder ...

Although it was a sacre, but through the incident I saw once again the closeness, unity and love between my siblings, and how they actually came together, each in their own capacity to try and solve the "problem". As for me, I was just reminded about how thankful I am for God's protection and His watching over me everyday ... I really can't imagine if that scare should one day become a reality ... I can only entrust myself and my entire family into the watchful eyes of my Abba Father and His loving hands ...


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