The "scaredness" of a vote

The "scaredness" of a vote

It's rather unusal to have more than 1 person contesting for the position of President of the Student Council, but this year, this is what happens ... both candidates have their own ability, charisma, calling, convictions, etc to serve the student population in the college.

The natural tendency for any human would be to vote for someone you know better, or have worked with before, and it seemed quite natural to cast a vote for Dan, my classmate and assignment team mate. I mentioned before that I'm not quite someone who would change my mind once I'm decided, though I'll still give room to hear comments and opinion of the other side. I must say that something that happened in the morning kind of "shaken" me a fair bit, and even though I knew the decision I would be sticking by, I kind of wavered ... and that when I felt in a dilemma ...

I spoke to 3 persons about it, including Dan who said it's really my choice who I would rather cast the vote to ... but I guess it was after speaking with a good friend that I finally decided what I should do (I had been toying with the idea that I would just put in a void/spoilt vote actually ...). This friend said, "it doesn't mean that you are not supportive of the other person if you did not cast vote for him ... you just needed to make a choice ... and in fact, I would be hoping that whoever wins the election, the other person would be rope in by the new president to serve in the Council, and that they will be willing to serve God and the community together ..."

Honestly speaking, I was really tempted to just throw in a spoilt vote, but the fact that I was reminded about how sacred a vote can be in the hands of the voters, and how this is a privileged opportunity that I wouldn't want to misuse, I decided what I needed to do and who I needed to vote for. Don't ask me who I voted for - it's secret =) At the end of the day whoever wins, we will support the person to the best of our ability for the common good of the student body and as believers in the Lord.

But someone has to be the winner ultimately, and Dan won =) Congrats! Hmm... so what's happening to "low key is the key??" ... haha, I was told it has been amended to "low key is now one of the keys ..." LOL


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