The eyelash
The eyelash
An eyelash went into my contact lens before I had it slipped into my eye. Immediately I felt something irritating my eyes and took the lens off the eye. An eyelash was what I saw. As I wash away the eyelash with saline before putting the lens into the eye again, I caught myself thinking ... "How sensitive our eyes are to little particles of irritants. In fact, most of body could feel the irritation when we are disturbed by something, except perhaps the heart ...
Yup, the heart.
Why do I say that? Don't you find that our heart is the most insensitive of all organs?? Especially with regard to sins in our lives - our hearts are so easily hardened towards sins, and we allow ourselves to indulge in pleasures and things that displeased the Lord. If only our heart can be as sensitive as the other parts of our body, just like how an eye immediately reacts to the irritating presence of an eyelash.
Search our hearts Lord, make it a heart of flesh and not a heart of stone!
An eyelash went into my contact lens before I had it slipped into my eye. Immediately I felt something irritating my eyes and took the lens off the eye. An eyelash was what I saw. As I wash away the eyelash with saline before putting the lens into the eye again, I caught myself thinking ... "How sensitive our eyes are to little particles of irritants. In fact, most of body could feel the irritation when we are disturbed by something, except perhaps the heart ...
Yup, the heart.
Why do I say that? Don't you find that our heart is the most insensitive of all organs?? Especially with regard to sins in our lives - our hearts are so easily hardened towards sins, and we allow ourselves to indulge in pleasures and things that displeased the Lord. If only our heart can be as sensitive as the other parts of our body, just like how an eye immediately reacts to the irritating presence of an eyelash.
Search our hearts Lord, make it a heart of flesh and not a heart of stone!