Christmas cards

Christmas cards

How long has it been since you last received a Christmas card?? I don't mean those e-cards that is accessible when you logon to the website. I meant those hand-written cards mailed right to your doorsteps.

It was really heart-warming to receive Christmas cards this year - one from an ex-CG member who has transferred to another church because of distance and family, and another from an ex-student/GB-girl.

Though the messages were not very long, but the short note and the thoughts of the senders had already melted my heart. Where convenience has subtly crept in at this time and age, there are really not many people who would have bothered to shop for Christmas cards, set aside time to sit down and write the cards, bringing them to the letter box for mailing. Sending an e-card takes probably less than a minute, but writing a Christmas cards took easily 5 to 10 minutes, and these are the thoughts and gestures I held close to my heart, and that which I appreciated fully and surely =)

Thank you Lord for these wonderful friends and their love for You and for me!


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