It's worth it afterall ...

It's worth it afterall ...

Today marks the end of my field attachment with the prison ministry, and hence my final session of Bible Study with the inmates. I had been wondering if I should tell the inmates last week when I met them, but thought I should not.

Today's session was really small - just 3 of us, 2 inmates and myself. 1 inmate had to work at the canteen, and another inmate had ceased labor as she awaits the transfer to Turning Point in a few days' time. Even though it was a small group, but we had a great time of worship, sharing, fellowship, praying, and studying the Word of God together.

What encouraged me all along as I serve in this ministry was the inmates' desire to learn, their openness to share, and their humility and teachability. Of course, their gratitude towards life even though locked behind the bars was something that rubbed on me - they look not to the sentence they had to serve, or the punishment they had received as a result of the crime committed - they always look with thanks to the little things God had blessed them even when they are in prison.

My 2 sisters reminded me as I share with them that today's session will be my final one with them, that all that I had done will not be in vain, and they are truly thankful for my time with them, the sessions we had together, etc. What more joy do I need to have, than to hear these encouraging words and a reminder to press on as we labor in the ministry for the Lord! I certainly hope to be able to connect back with my dear sisters when they are released from prison and that they will continue to encounter the Lord in every day of their life.

Dear Lord, watch over them, and I know You will. Thank you in Jesus' name. Amen.


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