

For a long time, I have been controlling my intake of coffee to just a cup a day, especially knowing how easy it would be to slip into temptations for more coffee just to keep awake and conserve more energy through caffein ever since semester began.

Within the span of an hour today, I found myself having my second cup of coffee ... I'm simply feeling sleepy, although not really that tired physically. I guess I had used up quite a big chunk of my brain cells the last few days, working on translation for pal's chapel sermon, looking and coordinating the gift items for the faculty, etc.

No, I'm not complaining at all about what I'm doing, coz I gladly took on these additional load, and as always, looking upon each opportunity as a chance for me to learn and grow, besides to be able to serve God and His people. But it does make me think afresh if I have also over-committed myself in my enthusiasm ... Hmmm ...

I know the contents in this post has no relation to the title ... just take it as my need to rattle and write incohorently as my brain cells take time to replenish and recover =) ... I'll just need some de-stressors, of which besides Facebook (YAY!!), blogging is another =P


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