"Disturbing" sermons
"Disturbing" sermons
Have you heard sermons that disturbed you greatly?? No, I don't mean those that made you feel uncomfortable because the words spoken are so powerful that you cannot resist but pledge to obey what God had spoken through the preachers.
The "disturbing" sermons I'm referring to are sermons that lack contents, where the focus shift from God's Word to testimonies and sharings, illustrations and examples, and that's about it. Oh yes, the verses are read, but perhaps at the beginning of the sermon, or when the preacher wants to link his or her sharing with the verses for the day.
Don't get me wrong - I'm not against using testimonies and sharings, illustrations and examples during sermon, but I'm against these being the focus instead of God's very Word itself. If we say, and believe that God's Word in itself is powerful, why are sermons not preached and based first on these Words?? I can easily count the number of sermons I've heard where testimonies and sharing, illustrations and examples form the majority portion of the sermon time, and the exposition of God's Word itself takes a minor segment.
The other "disturbing" factor for me, is the tendency for preachers to preach long sermons, perhaps thinking that the longer the sermon, the more "effective" it is in equivalent measure. But what's the point of having a lengthy sermon, only to focus on the preachers' illustrations and examples, when the very essence of the Word takes a back seat?? On the contrary, I've heard sermons that are short, but really sharp and to the point - sermon that truly speaks the Word of God and challenge the hearts of men - and there are really GREAT sermons!
I don't claim to be an expert in the exposition of the Word, nor do I consider myself a good preacher, though I've done a couple of messages during chapel when I was a ministry staff in school. I can also understand how sometimes certain passages are just difficult to preach on, and examples and illustrations are definitely needed to help draw out the intended points. But I guess what baffles me when I hear preachers preach "disturbing" sermons is this: so who's the focus, you or God? your examples or the very Word itself?
My heart also grief and ache when I sensed that preachers are sometimes preaching to tickle the ears of those in the congregation - preaching contents that people love to hear ... preaching things that brings comfort instead of a stirring of change ... preaching long list of God's blessings and grace but forgetting to mention what carrying the cross of Christ means ...
The Word of God is supposed to be a hammer, a sword - it still is, but have we as people who are handling God's Word, done a disservice to God by turning His very Words into plastic hammers and plastic swords?? Sigh ....
Have you heard sermons that disturbed you greatly?? No, I don't mean those that made you feel uncomfortable because the words spoken are so powerful that you cannot resist but pledge to obey what God had spoken through the preachers.
The "disturbing" sermons I'm referring to are sermons that lack contents, where the focus shift from God's Word to testimonies and sharings, illustrations and examples, and that's about it. Oh yes, the verses are read, but perhaps at the beginning of the sermon, or when the preacher wants to link his or her sharing with the verses for the day.
Don't get me wrong - I'm not against using testimonies and sharings, illustrations and examples during sermon, but I'm against these being the focus instead of God's very Word itself. If we say, and believe that God's Word in itself is powerful, why are sermons not preached and based first on these Words?? I can easily count the number of sermons I've heard where testimonies and sharing, illustrations and examples form the majority portion of the sermon time, and the exposition of God's Word itself takes a minor segment.
The other "disturbing" factor for me, is the tendency for preachers to preach long sermons, perhaps thinking that the longer the sermon, the more "effective" it is in equivalent measure. But what's the point of having a lengthy sermon, only to focus on the preachers' illustrations and examples, when the very essence of the Word takes a back seat?? On the contrary, I've heard sermons that are short, but really sharp and to the point - sermon that truly speaks the Word of God and challenge the hearts of men - and there are really GREAT sermons!
I don't claim to be an expert in the exposition of the Word, nor do I consider myself a good preacher, though I've done a couple of messages during chapel when I was a ministry staff in school. I can also understand how sometimes certain passages are just difficult to preach on, and examples and illustrations are definitely needed to help draw out the intended points. But I guess what baffles me when I hear preachers preach "disturbing" sermons is this: so who's the focus, you or God? your examples or the very Word itself?
My heart also grief and ache when I sensed that preachers are sometimes preaching to tickle the ears of those in the congregation - preaching contents that people love to hear ... preaching things that brings comfort instead of a stirring of change ... preaching long list of God's blessings and grace but forgetting to mention what carrying the cross of Christ means ...
The Word of God is supposed to be a hammer, a sword - it still is, but have we as people who are handling God's Word, done a disservice to God by turning His very Words into plastic hammers and plastic swords?? Sigh ....