Never make someone a priority when they only make you an option

Never make someone a priority when they only make you an option

What do you think of the above quote? It was something I came across as I goggle the web. To a certain extent, it speaks volume, isn't it? In a way, it teaches us to "protect" ourselves from being hurt by people around us, those we care for and whom we view as priority, but yet unfortunately do not see us the same way as we perceive them.

I kind of agree with the "wisdom" of this person who generated the quote - after all, who enjoys getting hurt? Yet, on the other hand, to love is about learning and being daring enough to risk, isn't it? The possibility of loving is always two - either you're being loved back, or your love is not being recipocrated.

I begin to ask myself if the Lord shares the same sentiment as me, what would this world become? After all, there are many in the world who do not make the Lord a priority - would He still continue to love them if He subscribes to this quote? It's a scary thought ...

God chose to risk all of Himself to love a world who chooses to be selective to His love and of His love. Even if we choose to make God an option, we can be sure that He will still make us His priority. Humankind fail, but God will not. Thank you Lord.


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