Back to work!!

Back to work!!

July finally came, and the break much needed finally ended =) It's back to work on 1st July, with the church youth ministry department. Our office is based in the school so it's kind of dejavu (like what twin says) going back. Met many ex-colleagues which now becomes my colleagues again, haha =)

Well, just 3 days of work and there's already much to do - of course, clearing my table to ensure I have a proper work station was first and foremost when I stepped into the office. Then I was assigned to one of the class during the regular Wed. session that they had, since large scale assemblies was discouraged by the MOE. And of course, the next thing I began to work on was this coming Sunday's sermon, an assignment I received on this very first day itself =)

Had been working on my sermon since and had completed, with wisdom from the Lord. My only prayer is that He will use what has been prepared and use me as His mouthpiece to speak for His glory!

Just 3 days and I'm feeling the joy of ministry again - I guess sometimes we just need to get away from the familiar to appreciate the familiar, isn't it? The break away to study was good, and it does make me learn new things and refresh me once again to serve the Lord in His ministry.

May my life continue to be used mightily by Him for His glory and honor alone! Amen.


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