The altar

The altar

It's been a while since I played Ray Boltz's album "moments for the heart", and hearing some songs in the album just brings back reminders about what God has done for us and how He persists in loving us even though we failed Him time and again.

"The altar" particularly captured my attention this time round and I began to ponder about the significance of the altar and what the altar symbolize for us in our context today. The altar is a place where unblemished sacrifices are offered to the Lord, a place where there's cleansing before one enters into the holy presence of God - and that's when sacrifices were still needed before Jesus came and paid it all for everyone in this world, on the cross.

In our churches today, whether we call it space constraint, architecture design, modernize concepts, etc - the altar is sometimes "missing" and not found in the church. For churches with altar, very typically a Bible will be found on it. I was made to ask myself - what then is the significance of the altar? How does the presence of an altar help to draw us into the presence of God? What takes place when we come before the altar and lay all that we have on it and present them to the Lord?

The words of Ray Boltz's song speaks so well of what the altar is about ... words and music by Ray Boltz and Steve Millikan

The service is nearing the end
The choir is singing "just as I am"
And now as the old song is played
People at the altar are kneeing down to pray
Some are finding mercy
Forgiveness for their sin
Some are fighting battles
And they're struggling to win
The time has come to give them to the Lord
That's what the altar is for

That's what the altar is for
You don't have to carry those burdens anymore
There's a light in the darkness
There's a love that's true
And Jesus is waiting
He is waiting here for you
Go quickly now before they close the door
That's what the altar is for

A father is praying with his son
A mother kneels besides them
Thanking God they've come
An old man is standing there in tears
Giving up a part of him
That he's held back for years
Hearts are being broken
Lives are being changed
And those who called upon Him
They will never be the same
The time has come to give in to the Lord
That's what the altar is for

The altar - a place where burdens changed shoulders ... a place where Jesus will be there faithfully to meet with us ... a place where it's perfectly fine to be vulnerable and broken ... a place where broken spirits and contrite hearts will not be despised ... a place where humility is needed in order for restoration to take place ... a place where surrender is necessary in order to find release ... and it's definitely a place of fragrance - because the Lord is more than delighted to receive all these that are offered there.

How long has it been since we come in humility and honesty before the altar? Perhaps "the time has come ... that's what the altar is for ..."


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