Blessings from above

Blessings from above

Is it man's nature to be so easily overwhelmed with gratitude when we think of blessings and to lament, pout and sulk when troubles come upon us? I guess so, well, at least I find it evident in my own life. It's something I'm learning as I grow daily in the Lord - to be thankful for both and ask what I can learn from everything.

I can't deny the fact that the Lord has really been good since the holidays begun for me - at least the way He has planned for my internship and the nature of my internship (I won't elaborate too much about it here). I felt the goodness of the Lord also when I met up with my PIC to discuss about what will happen in a year's time from now when I graduate (by God's grace, I pray =)

PIC reminded me to be watchful about my spiritual life especially when in theological college. And I have to agree with many of the statements I heard from seniors and alumni, that indeed, don't think one is the most spiritual when in theological college. The reverse is often true because we are so caught up with assignments and readings that they became the priority instead of daily devotional time. Looking back at my 2nd year in college, it also happened to be the driest period of my life. Much as this wasn't what I wanted, I ended up in such a plight that as I look back now, there's only regrets and heartache. In fact, the nature of my internship coincided with what I actually need now - refreshing and renewal in my relationship with God, which was what I am so thankful for, and a blessing I received with much joy and gratitude. PIC also affirmed his consent for me to take on this internship and reminded me to take good rest during this holiday.

PIC also challenged me to form a small accountability group with my classmates (a few like-minded persons) when semester begin - to take time to pray for one another and to be accountable where our spiritual lives are concerned. It sounded a great idea to me and I'm thinking and praying about it - well, at least about who should be included in this group. By human nature, it would naturally be those friends that I'm on better terms with. But by the leading of the Spirit, I pray that it would be people who are convicted of this idea and who wants to commit themselves to spurring one another on in this Christian journey.

As for my internship, I have been richly blessed by my supervisor cum my spiritual director. The nature of my internship allowed me time to rest and to bask in the love of God. And as I begin on this journey to become more aware of who God is and how He's working in my life, I can only say with thankfulness that this internship came really timely. I'm reminded it's about consciousness of God, not conscience ... it's about being aware of who God is and how He's actively working in my life ... it's about the heart and not the mind.

Maybe words cannot adequately expressed my heart that overflows with thanks about what is happening, but I can only credit all the wonderful things that have been happening to the hand of God.


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